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Messages - GalerieSchiff

Pages: [1] 2
Artists / Re: News from Galerie Schiff
« on: February 12, 2017, 06:21:40 PM »
Today I reached a milestone:  I received notice of the acceptance of my 100th different piece of artwork into a juried or curated exhibition!  I'd hoped to achieve that within ten years of the date of my first exhibition, and realized it in just under nine years.  Not to blow my own horn, but I did it with very few connections, just my own hard work.  That said, I am thankful to the handful of curators who have offered me solo shows, and to all the independent jurors who found my work to be compelling.

As of right now nine of my works are on display in four juried shows in Maryland, Virginia and California, plus a pop-up show benefiting a local school here in Virginia.  You can find details here:

Artomatic / Artomatic 2017
« on: January 11, 2017, 06:15:05 PM »
It's official:  there will be an Artomatic in the metro DC area in 2017.  It will run from March 24 through May 6, and returns to Metro-friendly Crystal City.  Here's a link to their web site:

Artomatic / Artomatic 2016
« on: August 19, 2016, 06:57:16 AM »
Artomatic apparently still lives, even after the so-so traffic experienced in 2015.  A site visit to the proposed site at 12435 Potomac Park Avenue in Potomac has been set up for this weekend, August 20, and again on the 27th.  That's the good news.  The bad news is that this location appears to be accessible only by car - no Metro nearby, and once again is in the burbs.

Artists / Re: News from Galerie Schiff
« on: August 16, 2016, 05:56:38 PM »
Obviously, I did not solicit, nor do I endorse, the above comment.  Where is the moderator, and why was that post allowed?  I have no objection to anyone's efforts at self-promotion but why not be honest about it and post something in your own name, in your own thread?

Artists / Re: News from Galerie Schiff
« on: June 04, 2016, 08:58:08 AM »
I've just completed a comprehensive reorganization of my web site, removing a number of pieces that I no longer consider worth presenting, and adding a significant number of previously unshown works.  The site is organized along the lines of a museum, lending an element of mystery and surprise when going from one gallery into another, as each gallery is unified by its own unique subject, theme, or technique.

I have also changed my web site to provide premium access.  Those who choose not to subscribe have access to Gallery 0, which includes all the pieces that have been on display in brick-and-mortar venues during the past twelve months, plus my news page and list of exhibitions.  Premium subscribers additionally get access to my CV and to three additional galleries that rotate frequently. 

For the short term (until November), an additional gallery is on public view.  Think of it as a temporary exhibition!

Artists / Re: News from Galerie Schiff
« on: January 09, 2016, 09:42:00 AM »
The year 2015 was a great one for me!  I had two solo shows, and record sales to boot.  Not only that, I learned a lot from the two, ahem, disasters shall we call them? of the year.  Being a follower of the school of leadership that teaches that one learns more from defeats than from victories, I thank the folks at that gallery for rejecting my application, and the folks at Artomatic for the terrific learning experience.  But I especially thank those involved at the Delaplaine and Strathmore for selecting me for solo shows, and the many collectors who supported me by buying my work.

2016 is off to a fast start, with two acceptances for two juried shows in the first two months:  At the Strathmore Mansion's 25th annual juried show (January 9 - February 21) and at the ARC Gallery for their juried show, A touch of the blues (February 3 - 21).

As always, remember that I update the images on my web site from time to time, usually monthly but at least quarterly.

Photo Discussion / Re: Camera Purchase Advice Needed
« on: December 03, 2015, 02:50:35 PM »
I would go with the 5DMk III for three reasons:  Cost, availability of lenses, and performance.  Very long ago, I bought a 35mm SLR that had only limited options for lenses, and it became a problem almost immediately.  As you point out, Canon has a wide variety of lenses, and may I add, several lines, making it possible to buy some decent capability on a budget.  For instance, if you are going to be shooting primarily using a tripod, you can save some money on lenses by opting for the ones that do not feature image stabilization.
As the owner of a 5DMk II I can tell you the 5D series is by far the best bang for the buck among full frame sensor cameras.  I don't know anyone who has one who doesn't swear by theirs.  Not to disparage Sony, but they seem to have a talent for producing products that are a little bit off the mark.  Personally, if I was going to buy a rangefinder camera, I'd get a Leica.
Hope that helps.

Artists / Re: News from Galerie Schiff
« on: October 30, 2015, 07:06:26 AM »
I'm pleased to announce that two images from my Reflections series have been selected for the national juried exhibition at the Meridian Street Gallery,  The exhibition opens on November 3rd, and runs through the 26th.

Artomatic / Re: Lighting Tips for Artomatic 2015?
« on: October 12, 2015, 09:07:53 AM »
One thing you need to keep in mind in looking at pictures from past events:  The rules change according to whether the venue is being gutted or not after the show.  If memory serves me correctly, the last Artomatic was in a building scheduled for demolition, so nobody cared what you did as long as you did not violate the fire code.  In this case, the building is being prepared for occupancy, so for example they do not allow any modifications to the ceiling.

In my limited experience, the Arotmatic organizers have been extremely helpful and very willing to talk to you about your plans.  Perhaps the best thing to do is simply send them an e-mail telling them what you propose to do, and asking if they have any objections  or alternative suggestions.

Good luck, and see you there!

Artomatic / Re: Lighting Tips for Artomatic 2015?
« on: October 11, 2015, 04:54:32 PM »
My first questions to you are:  Have you been to orientation, and selected your space?  I ask this because the answers to some of your questions are influenced by the guidelines, and because the natural lighting (existing lights plus outside light) should be important considerations in your choice of a space.  It also depends on what kind of exhibition you are planning.  For example, nobody is allowed to attach anything to the ceiling, but if you are doing an installation, there is nothing to prevent you from including a free standing lighting system.

Generally you will note that the total power consumption allowed is 100 - 200 Watts, which translates into a modest number of lights.  Furthermore, code restrictions on extension cords emphasize that you will probably have only a few lights (depending on how many fixtures your space has - did you check?)

Artomatic / Re: Details on Artomatic 2015?
« on: September 30, 2015, 05:08:27 PM »
I just received an e-mail saying that registration is now open (30 Sep).  The terms and conditions can be seen as part of the registration process, before any money changes hands.  Basically, there is a fee ($125 for visual artists), everyone is required to work at least three five hour shifts, and the artist assumes all risk against theft, damage, etc. - i.e., no insurance.   Also there is a $150 deposit to be refunded upon de-installation provided you leave your space clean and undamaged.  And naturally, you agree to install and de-install per the schedule.  Pretty simple, I'd say.

Artists / Re: News from Galerie Schiff
« on: September 01, 2015, 01:38:04 PM »
An image from my Tessellations series has been selected for the Geometry exhibition at the Hera gallery  The show opens on September 12 and runs through October 10.

Also, I've recently updated my web site,

Artomatic / Re: Details on Artomatic 2015?
« on: April 05, 2015, 03:13:10 PM »
As far as I can tell, it's a continuation of the wishful thinking that we've heard or read about since 2013. is a link to the web site's FAQ page.  Note especially the third item.

Artists / Re: News from Galerie Schiff
« on: March 28, 2015, 02:20:32 PM »
My solo show at the Delaplaine Visual Arts Center in Frederick opens on April 4th and runs through May 17th.  Entitled "Cloud Studies", it includes 15 images from my Metamorphoses series plus the time lapse video April Storm.  Five of the images can be previewed on the Metamorphoses page of my web site.

The Delaplaine Visual Arts Center is located at 40 South Carroll Street in Frederick, MD.  All are invited to the opening reception on April 4th from 3:00 - 5:00 PM

The "Density Fluctuations" exhibition at the American Center for Physics, featuring twelve of my Tessellations images, continue through April 9th, so there is still time to see it.  The ACP is located at One Physics Ellipse in College Park, MD

I also have a piece showing in the "Lost & Found" show at the Off-Rhode Gallery at 2204 Rhode Island Avenue, NE.  That show runs through April 17th.

Artists / Re: News from Galerie Schiff
« on: January 02, 2015, 04:22:16 PM »
Oh!  Now I understand.  Thanks for the clarification!

Artists / Re: A new web site for Galerie Schiff
« on: January 02, 2015, 03:04:58 PM »
Thanks, Lori Anne for taking the time to provide feedback.  Let me explain, please. 

I suppose I need to reword the web site, because I intended to convey my willingness, indeed pleasure, to provide my resume.  But I am also concerned about privacy and identity theft, and thus ask that anyone who wants the details on my life at least give me their e-mail address.  My thought is that if someone is unwilling to share even that with me, then they probably are not genuinely interested in my work, or have some nefarious motive for wanting my personal information.  The statement about the mailing lists also reflects my privacy concerns.  I don't like getting unsolicited e-mail, and do not want people to think that I will abuse the privilege of having their e-mail addresses. 

On the other hand, I have taken your advice and added a page that lists my shows and participation in juried exhibitions. [after the post below]

On the topic of newsletters and social media:  I have a newsletter that I send once or twice a year to customers and selected curators and galleries.  When I started out, I sent the newsletter to everyone I knew.  However, I noticed from my web site analytics that essentially nobody aside from the established customers and occasional curators or gallery personnel was visiting my web site via the newsletter link.  Similarly I knew that in 18 months of being on Facebook, not only did I get zero sales, but also zero web site hits via that medium.  I came to the conclusion - along with a number of Fortune 500 companies, by the way - that social media like Facebook and Twitter are good ways of sharing information with your pals, but useless as sales generating devices.  Better to spend some money from time to time to advertize in something like Art News.

Re the mixed media page:  The links are already there.  If you run your cursor over the category name, you'll see that it's a link.  Maybe I should change the color of the font to make it obvious.

Thanks for the advice on wording with regard to pricing.  I've changed it, and added the usual prices subject to change without notice blurb.

Finally, regarding print size; my printer is set up in millimeters.  More importantly, a majority of the people who have bought my work live in countries where the metric system is in use, so it makes additional sense to cater to them.   Maybe I am wrong, but I expect that anyone visiting my site can divide by 25, if not by 25.4, and so can convert from millimeters to approximate (or exact) inches if they need to.  Stylistically, I find it unappealing to write something like 600 x 400 mm (23.62 x 15.75 inches).  But maybe you are right, and certainly H.L. Mencken would agree with your point ;-)

Artists / Re: News from Galerie Schiff
« on: January 02, 2015, 07:25:58 AM »
Re:  cheers to the disclosure:  What does that mean?

Opening reception January 11, 2:00 - 4:00 PM

Strathmore Hall - Invitational Gallery
10701 Rockville Pike,
North Bethesda, MD

Artists / Re: News from Galerie Schiff
« on: January 01, 2015, 12:15:16 PM »
In the interest of complete disclosure, the images in my Potomac Ice series, being displayed under the label Ice Age on the Potomac, are scanned negatives, and as such, have not been manipulated in any significant way.  It's the closest thing to "straight photography" that you will ever see from me.  I'm saying this because there is a press release out there - not written by me, and not written in consultation with me - that would imply that these images are tessellated or fractals or somehow otherwise manipulated.  While the images explore the boundaries between the so-called real and abstract, they were taken directly from nature.  So, if you are enthralled by the press release, you probably won't be so enthralled by the images themselves.

Artists / Re: News from Galerie Schiff
« on: January 01, 2015, 07:53:46 AM »

Strathmore Hall - Invitational Gallery  10701 Rockville Pike, North Bethesda, MD, Open Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat 10 - 4; Wed 10 - 9; Sun 12-4
Ice Age on the Potomac:  Photographs from Stephen Schiff's "Potomac Ice" series
January 10 - March 1, 2015; reception January 11, 2:00 - 4:00 PM

Thumbnails of five of the fourteen images can be viewed on my web site

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